Shiraore cha, often referred to as karigane or kuki-cha, is a distinctive Japanese green tea known for its mild sweetness and unique flavor profile. Unlike traditional leaf-based teas, it’s made using the stems, stalks, and twigs of the tea plant, often from high-quality varieties like gyokuro or sencha. This tea offers a smooth, subtly sweet, and mildly vegetal flavor, providing a refreshing and approachable tea-drinking experience.

Key Features:

  • Gentle flavor and natural sweetness: Shiraore tea has a softer, naturally sweet taste due to its stem-based composition, offering a more mellow experience compared to traditional green teas.
  • Unique composition: The tea’s unique blend of stems, stalks, and twigs gives it a distinct appearance with lighter-colored, twig-like pieces mixed with stems, and a refreshing taste.
  • High in L-theanine for relaxation: Derived from high-grade tea stems, shiraore cha contains elevated levels of L-theanine, an amino acid that promotes a calming effect, making it ideal for unwinding or as an afternoon tea.
  • Lower caffeine content: Shiraore cha is naturally lower in caffeine, perfect for those seeking a quality tea with reduced caffeine for extended daily enjoyment.
  • Pleasantly aromatic: When brewed, shiraore cha releases a delicate, vegetal aroma with hints of grassy and nutty notes, adding depth and a soothing quality to the tea experience.
  • Versatile for different brewing styles: This tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. Cold brewing accentuates its sweetness, making it ideal for warm days, while hot brewing enhances its subtle roasted undertones, creating a cozy drink.

The tradition of drinking stem-based teas like shiraore cha aligns with the Japanese philosophy of minimizing waste by utilizing every part of the tea plant. Its mild, approachable flavor has made it popular as a daily tea in Japan, valued for its balance between flavor, aroma, and nutritional benefits.