Discover everything you need to prepare a perfect Japanese omelet !


How to make a Japanese tamagoyaki omelet

  1. In a bowl, whisk the eggs thoroughly (using chopsticks if possible). Add the seasonings and mix again.
  2. Heat a tamagoyaki frypan over medium heat and lightly oil it.
  3. Pour one-third of the egg mixture into the pan. Stir gently with chopsticks to keep it slightly runny.
  4. Once partially set, roll the egg mixture to one side of the pan.
  5. Pour another third of the mixture into the pan, lifting the rolled omelet slightly to let the new layer flow underneath.
  6. Repeat with the remaining mixture, rolling the omelet into a firm, rectangular shape.
  7. Remove from the pan, let it cool slightly, then slice and serve.

Enjoy your homemade tamagoyaki! Serve it as a side dish, in sushi, or as part of a traditional Japanese breakfast.